TEST your knowledge, have some laughs, and help a local organisation by attending the upcoming Trivia Night at the Dungog Memorial RSL.
The Dungog Tea Party is holding one of their two Trivia Nights per year at 6.30pm on Saturday 5 April 2025.

It’s worth it for your business.
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Group secretary and Dungog local Erika Seck said the event would be “quirky, fun and laid back”.
To add to the enjoyment, the evening has the theme of “Your Favourite Colour”.
Trivia buffs are encouraged to get a group of eight people together and book a table.
Around 100 people are expected to attend.
Proceeds go toward running costs of the four-day-long Tea Party event in September.
The Tea Party is a display of tea cosies and trivets, with competitions and prizes in a range of categories.
Tea cosy and trivet enthusiasts of all ages are invited to make and enter a piece.
School students from pre-school to high school can enter with individually-made artworks, trivets and cosies, or make displays with a group from their school.
While most of the competitions are for new handmade items, there are also “Treasured Memories” categories for antique or vintage pieces.
These do not need to be made by the entrant.
The Tea Party exhibition is held at the James Theatre, Dungog.
This year’s Tea Party will run from 10-14 September.
The Tea Cosy of the Year prize is $500, while the seven other categories each have a first prize of $100 and second prize of $50.
The Trivet of the Year will win $100, with the prizes awarded in each Trivet category being $50 for first place and $25 for second place.
Prizes are provided by sponsorship from local businesses.
For your business to sponsor a Tea Party prize, or to book a table for the Trivia Night at $10pp, please call Erika on 0429185794.