Dungog Council passes motion to explore options for caravan park

Cr Liam Ley at Abbott’s Flat, a potential site for the new caravan park.

AT LAST week’s Dungog Shire Council meeting, councillor Liam Ley successfully proposed a motion to establish a caravan and holiday park in Dungog.

The motion called for Council to consider a variety of sites and to seek interest from private or community organisations or individuals, including established operators.

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The motion was broader than one proposed several years ago for Abelard Street, Dungog.

Cr Ley’s considers more options and sites, while taking into account Council’s previous investigations.

It also proposes leasing or selling land, which would be a more attractive option for potential operators.

Any park would need to be in line with Council’s future vision.

More than tourism would benefit. The motion also mentioned economic development and environmental sustainability.

“Hopefully someone reads this and says, ‘I want to do that’,” Cr Ley said.

At present the only caravan and camping accommodation provided by Council is at Frank Robinson Park, and at the showground.

However, the showground is only available for use during events, not to tourists.

One site which Cr Ley suggested could be looked at is Abbott’s Flat, across the road from Frank Robinson Park.

While the park has limited space, Abbott’s Flat is larger.

However, flooding is a potential concern for both sites.

Cr Ley stressed that safety and suitability would be thoroughly investigated.

The motion will give Council an updated list of available options to improve the Dungog experience for visitors and residents.


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