Driver Trainers meet up for professional development

NSW Driver Trainers Association supports its members with Professional Development and Meet and Greet days.

NSW Driver Trainers Association (DTA) kicks off its new year program of events for driving instructors on Friday 24 March in Coffs Harbour.

“NSW DTA is a member association, run by volunteers of like minded driving instructors,” Matthew Philpott, Committee Member, told News Of The Area.

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“The first of our Professional Development and Meet and Greet days for 2023 takes place at Coffs Harbour Golf Club on 24 March, starting at 9am until 3pm.

“Morning tea and a light lunch are provided.”

Delegates will meet the current executive and committee of NSW DTA during the day.

Driving Instructor core topics to be discussed include: Older Driver Assessment and its administration by Transport for NSW, The cost of doing business (eBook), and cross border anomalies/interstate differences.

“There will be an open forum where delegates and executives will share opinions and have discussion.

“We will recap on the presentation from AGM made by Natalie Watson-Brown from Carrs looking at the psychology of learning.”

The day includes an open invitation to join the executive, committee and fellow members at a social gathering and dinner that evening.

“Feel free to send us any issues or subjects you would like to discuss before the event, this will allow us to research for you. Email,” invited Matthew Philpott.

“Your opinions and ideas are important, please come along and have a say, your contribution is exceptionally valuable and appreciated.

“One of the biggest hits since its introduction at the 2021 AGM was to introduce a magazine format of our eBook, called ‘The Cost of Doing Business – Exploring how to run a profitable driving school’.

“We shared this with all delegates at past events to ask for their input or suggestions before we published it online for all members.

“Six months in the making, this resource sets an important precedent in how we plan to move forward with professional development and support.”

To reserve your place emailing your name and contact number for each attendee to

Non-members are welcome for a fee of $25.


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