Drama-filled celebration at Bandon Grove Community Christmas Tree event

Enjoying the sausage sandwiches and homemade salads.

THE 2024 Bandon Grove Community Christmas Tree event was once again packed with drama and excitement.

A long-standing tradition and community effort, it still draws a crowd every year.

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Locals packed the Bandon Grove School of Arts Hall on the evening of 20 December to enjoy sausage sandwiches and salad, socialise, watch the play, and to sing carols. And of course, greet the very special visitor, Santa.

The hall has been the venue for a Christmas play since the Bandon Grove school, which closed in 1990, was still in operation.

This most recent play was presented by the Bandon Grove Drama Club, continuing the tradition.

For the last two years, the play has been written by Freya Rubeli.

Young leading actor Rio Chawney described the plot.

Her character, the “bushwalker”, falls asleep in the magical forest and meets beings like butterflies, mermaids and gnomes.

Rio said with a smile that she wasn’t sure whether it was meant to be “all a dream… or not.”

Some highlights were the dancing butterflies in lighted costumes, slightly crotchety gnomes sitting amongst giant fungi, and special effects with audience participation, where audience members “became the forest” by holding up branches.

Music for the play was provided by the self-described local metal band, “X-mazz”, while the carols were accompanied on piano.

Organiser Nikki Brown said that she didn’t realise at the start of the Christmas play just how much “drama” there would be in preparing the event.

Illnesses, injuries, and actor altercations all resulted in the date being altered.

Despite these “dramas” a small-but-dedicated group of organisers and actors met weekly to stage the show.

The result was a hit, based on the audience’s loud cheers.

While some groups meet there regularly, the Hall committee want to see the building utilised more fully.

For years they have worked very hard, getting funding, repairing and maintaining the historic building.

They hope that in future the drama club will be able to meet and present productions in addition to the Christmas festivities.

Prospective actors and supporters should contact Nikki Brown or Bruce Read for more information.


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