Dragons Abreast paddling club host Biggest Morning Tea event

Exercise Physiologist, Mel Silvester ups the pace at Mylestom Morning Tea.


DRAGONS Abreast, Mylestom’s paddling club invited community locals, paddlers and visitors to join them at Mylestom Community Hall on Saturday May 29 to enjoy yet another Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea.

Over 70 people attended and $1,626 was raised.

The previous Biggest Morning Tea event held by the Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Association on May 11, also at the Mylestom Hall, saw 84 attendees and raised over $1,853.

The combined total of around $3,200 raised by the two events demonstrates the big heart of this small community.

Although the two events shared the same fundraising goal both were very different.

The Dragons Abreast morning tea last Saturday had Exercise Physiologist, Mel Silvester taking participants through an easy, fun exercise routine.

Cancer Council Board member and local resident, Carolyn Heise, gave a talk on the alarming statistics around breast cancer in Australia where one woman is diagnosed every five minutes.

Carolyn’s talk about the work of the Cancer Council left no doubt as to the value of these fundraising events.

Dragons Abreast Coffs Coast is a paddling club for breast cancer survivors and supporters and paddle weekly on the Bellinger River at Mylestom.

Through exercise the Club assists breast cancer survivors to restore health, fitness and confidence after treatment.

“Our Club’s mission is to promote breast cancer awareness on the Coffs Coast,” Dragons Abreast Co-ordinator, Lynn Chapple told News Of The Area.

“We generally don’t talk about our breast cancer journeys but the understanding and support is there.

“We want to put that behind us and enjoy life.

“It’s wonderful how supportive people and businesses are when it comes to breast cancer.

“Everyone’s lives have been impacted by cancer in some way.”

Dragons Abreast Coffs Coast sends a big thank you to the local community for the use of the hall and to businesses and all people who attended and donated to its Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea event.

To get in touch phone 0411 084 917 or email: dragonsabreastcoffscoast@gmail.com.




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