Draft Medowie Place Plan endorsed by Council

THE Draft Medowie Place Plan has been endorsed by the Port Stephens Council.

The Plan was unanimously and wholeheartedly endorsed by all Councillors at the recent Council meeting.

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Brock Lamont, Port Stephens Council Strategy and Environment Section Manage, said place plans are a new way of planning for the growth of the unique towns and villages across Port Stephens.

“Place plans provide a local filter on the Port Stephens Community Strategic Plan and other strategic documents and create place specific actions that improve the liveability and wellbeing of our communities.

“Actions in place plans guide the way we plan for future land use, invest in new infrastructure, attract investment, and activate our streets,” Mr Lamont said.

The Medowie Place Plan aims to strengthen community values and priorities that are performing well and promotes opportunities for those that require improvement.

Furthermore, the Plan responds to the communities ideas and priorities by including a structure plan (which identities opportunities for future rezoning of land for employment and conservation purposes), potential infrastructure projects programmed for the next five years (such as additional shared paths, playground replacements, park furniture and the replacement of facilities and amenities at Yulong Oval), a place activation plan, a concept plan for the town centre expansion site at 38 Ferodale Road and a range of actions that can be undertaken by the community, businesses, Port Stephens Council and other key stakeholders.

The Plan is not a replacement of the Medowie Planning Strategy, and both documents will co-exist.

Councillor Jason Wells gladly welcomes the Plan.

“As a resident of Medowie, I’ve seen Medowie change and change over the years.

“With all of the new residents, there are a lot of active people who want to see Medowie progress for the better and I think this Plan really helps guide how that is going to look for the years to come,” Cr Wells said.

“The Plan, once adopted, will give real opportunities for community-led initiatives, which allows the community to take charge of activities that benefit the community.

Cr Wells says the Plan focuses on numerous elements, including environmental stability, walking and cycling opportunities, quality open spaces, comfortable, safe and well looked-after areas and increased employment land.

“I really encourage the community to provide feedback for the Plan; let us know what needs to change because I’m sure that some of these ideas will be adopted,” he said.

The Plan will now be placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days to invite community feedback and responses.


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