Draft Economic Strategy Out for Consultation

THE Draft Coffs Harbour Economic Development Strategy 2022-2027 will go out for community comment for 42 days from June 14 to July 26 2022.

Based on the foundations of both the Draft MyCoffs Community Strategic Plan, and the previous Coffs Harbour Economic Strategy 2017-2022, this new draft strategy identifies and prioritises strategic actions and measurements while considering the current and future needs of our community from an economic, social and environmental perspective.

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The key priorities of the Strategy are to:
● Attract and retain necessary skills, investment and people
● Support local businesses, creating economic, social and environmental sustainability
● Develop existing and future business, industries and places to create a thriving economy.

“There has been significant turmoil in the local, regional, national and international economies in the last two and a half years, with some of these having a lasting impact on the ongoing opportunities available for local communities,” said Coffs Harbour Mayor Councillor Paul Amos.

“Coffs Harbour is not immune and we’re still emerging from challenges and impacts both unique to our region and common with others.

“These include natural events, housing affordability and availability pressures and a world-wide pandemic.

“Despite these challenges, the community has continued to evolve and progress, business confidence is strong, and innovation is being used to provide new opportunities.”

The documents will be available for review and comment from 14 June on Council’s Have Your Say website at https://haveyoursay.coffsharbour.nsw.gov.au/edsreview.

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