Humans are not alone in needing relief from the heat during our hottest months.
While we often indulge in ice-creams, swims at the beach, and escaping to the cool air of shopping centres; our pets also need reprieve from the heat.

Noah’s Ark Vet, Dr Donald Hudson, spoke to News Of The Area about what pet owners can do to cool down their pets.
“Dogs cool themselves by panting, so they can cool by licking things with their tongues.”
“Keeping up fresh, cool water is essential.”
“Ice and food frozen in ice is also a good way to keep the heat down.”
“Making sure animals can always get access to shade is really important.”
During the summertime, when there are many parties, dogs are particularly sensitive to the noise and susceptible to harm.
Dr Hudson also said, “With all the fireworks and parties at the moment, if locals are out driving at night, please be careful as there are many dogs wandering the streets who are scared and break loose from their yard.”
With that in mind, Dr Hudson also said, “If you are going out, make sure your dog is secure and safe in the yard at night.”
“Dogs getting out at night due to loud noises are a danger to themselves and drivers if they were to be accidently run over.”
The RSPCA reminds pet owners not to leave dogs locked in the car as this poses a very real threat to the animal’s life.
It is not only cruel, but it is also a criminal offence with a $5500 fine and up to 6 months’ jail as a penalty, and these penalties increase dramatically if the dog dies as a result of being left in the car.
If you see a dog locked in the car, call 1800 278 3589 to report.