Do you want to write for Nambucca Valley News Of The Area?

News Of The Area Group Editor Douglas Connor is looking for more writers to join the Nambucca Valley NOTA team.


TELLING the incredible stories of the Nambucca Valley is what News Of The Area (NOTA) is all about.

The NOTA launched in the Valley in May 2021, and is proud to keep locals up to date with the happenings of the area.

Now, NOTA is seeking more enthusiastic locals with a background in writing to join the team.

Are you a freelance reporter, current or ex-journalist, or simply a passionate and quality writer?

“If you have a background in writing, and a passion for your local community, I would love to hear from you,” said NOTA Group Editor Douglas Connor.

“As the paper continues to grow, we are always looking for enthusiastic wordsmiths to help cover the region’s news, sport, events, music etc.”

“I would also love to hear from writers in some of the smaller towns and villages of the region, to improve our coverage of places like Valla, Scotts Head, and Stuarts Point, and the Valley’s inland communities.”

Writing for NOTA can be an amazing way to connect with your local community, to meet some of the awe-inspiring locals creating change in the area, and to learn and experience the unique elements of life in the Nambucca Valley.

NOTA Reporter Andrea Ferrari said, “I absolutely love my role reporting the news and especially connecting with the people.

“I have met so many kind, generous, interesting, and community-focused individuals in my work, it heartens me to be able to share their voices, good works and fun events in the paper.”

Writing for NOTA is flexible, with contributor reporters able to submit as many or as few stories per week to fit in with their present lifestyle and commitments.

If you want to be a part of helping the community get its weekly local news hit, then let’s start the conversation.

Send us an email telling us a bit about yourself to

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