Dismay for Independent candidate over National Party Facebook post

Some of Carolyn Heise’s ‘Evil Far Left’ supporters. Photo: supplied.


A SINCE deleted post on a Facebook page called ‘Coffs Harbour Nationals’ has warned potential Federal Election voters to “not to be conned by the enormous amount of money being spent by the forces of the Evil Far Left to get another ‘independent’ in our Cowper!”.

The post also extolled the merits of the current Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan.

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A spokesperson for Mr Conaghan said that the Facebook page was administered by an individual, does not use an official National Party email address and was not vetted by the party.

The spokesperson said that Mr Conaghan had asked for the post to be removed as soon as he became aware of it, and had approached Ms Heise to express his disappointment.

Needless to say, Independent candidate for Cowper Carolyn Heise was not happy with being labelled as a puppet of the ‘Evil Far Left’.

Ms Heise is a former Director of Nursing and Midwifery at the Coffs Harbour Health Campus and volunteer director of the NSW Cancer Council.

She said she was shocked and dismayed when she saw the post.

“I honestly didn’t expect The Nationals would so misjudge my supporters before the election has even been called, but there it was, in black and white,” Ms Heise said.

“On behalf of the hundreds of everyday people in Cowper who have donated to my campaign, I say shame on The Nationals for making such baseless accusations.

“The mums and dads, the retirees, grandparents, farmers and business people who have chipped in between $20 to $800 to support my campaign are not part of any ‘Evil Far Left’ cabal.”

Ms Heise said her supporters were “simply hardworking people who want politics done differently, with honesty, respect and fairness”.

“To me it is rather strange that a party which takes huge donations from dirty polluters and massive corporations that profit from the misery inflicted by gambling, smoking and alcohol, would criticise my supporters for being part of a genuine grassroots campaign.”

Ms Heise said that many of her supporters also took exception to the post’s reference to “our Cowper”.

“(It is) as if they owned the electorate like it was a trophy or possession”.

“It is time Cowper was returned to the people who live here.

“They deserve a future which is not dictated by the demands made by dirty donors of the parties they control.”


By Andrew VIVIAN


The since deleted Facebook post on the Coffs Harbour Nationals page.

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