Diary keeping enjoying a 2020 resurgence

Port Stephens Citizen of the Year, Alicia Cameron often ponders before journalling.


WRITING and keeping a diary is making a comeback during the pandemic.

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Dr Peta Murray, a Vice-Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellow at RMIT University, said diary-keeping is having a resurgence, as people find it helps them in troubled times and it could also help others.

“Diary-keeping was like turning to a trusted friend and pouring your heart out, although in a much more intimate way – there was only you, the pen and the paper.

“But now we’re realising it can be done more casually than that, simply as a way to connect with others by connecting with ourselves.”

For some, a daily post on social media is a modern diary.

Reflective writing also has therapeutic benefits, according to Dr Robyn Moffitt, a Lecturer in Psychology in the School of Health and Biomedical Sciences at RMIT University.

Moffitt’s research has found reflective writing can help women manage their body dissatisfaction.

After participants wrote a brief diary entry encouraging compassion towards themselves, they were found to be more appreciative of their bodies and motivated to improve themselves further.

Moffitt said from a psychological perspective, there’s evidence keeping a diary is a useful way to engage in healthy self-monitoring of our thoughts, feelings and behaviour.

“Reflecting on past events in our mind can often lead to self-critical and unhelpful thinking, or even rumination, which can exacerbate distress.”

“But keeping a diary and writing things down as they happen can provide perspective on the frequency and severity of different events.

“Think of it like discovering an old memory, forgotten clues from your past self that could help you through current challenges,” she said.

Local coach Alicia Cameron told News Of The Area, “The best thing is it is an exchange of energy and takes things out of your head and puts it onto paper.

“You can ponder or write a gratitude journal.

“Most people know what they don’t want, but only a few take time to find what they do: journaling takes the time to think about what you do want to bring clarity and changes your brain waves, taking you into an inspirational and aspirational mind.

“Putting your goals on paper makes you five times more likely to achieve them – it creates accountability,” she said.

Fiona Brown of Youtopia said, “Journaling is such a valuable tool and one that I use regularly with my clients.

“It is a wonderful tool for making clear what is otherwise a random mess of thoughts swimming around in your head.
“Journaling can only be done in the present moment which allows you to tap into what is real for you right now, bringing a much clearer perspective rather than trying to recall the past which naturally changes as over time through the filters of our mind.

“It is the perfect tool for reducing overwhelm and helping create a positive future,” she said.

So if you are looking to destress, create clarity or feel better about your situation perhaps trying using a diary or journal is a step in the right direction for you.



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