Demand high for Lifeline crisis support

Lifeline North Coast General Manager Angela Martin.

LIFELINE North Coast has handled over 12,500 calls from community members seeking support in the past twelve months, with demand for help on the rise.

Lifeline’s ‘Crisis Supporters’ connect daily with people experiencing suicidal thoughts, providing one-off crisis support over the phone to individuals needing immediate assistance.

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Lifeline North Coast General Manager Angela Martin said a crisis can push a person beyond their coping capabilities, leading to feelings of hopelessness and increased suicide risk.

Crisis Supporters are trained to connect with a caller’s emotions, providing anonymity, non-judgement, and confidentiality.

With demand for the service surging, Ms Martin said more hands on deck are desperately needed.

“We desperately need more volunteers on the phones to ensure no one faces their darkest moments alone,” she said.

Lifeline North Coast Crisis Support volunteer Penny Westman told NOTA, “When I volunteer, it fills my bucket to know I have made a positive difference to someone in challenging times.

“It gives me purpose to know I am giving and making a difference.”


Lifeline North Coast crisis support volunteer Penny Westman.

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