Deeper investigation pulls jetsam from Myall River

Paddle Pops volunteers clearing the junk off the river island. Photos: supplied.

ELUSIVE pollution has not escaped the vigilant survey performed by the Paddle Pops and Myall River Action Group (MRAG) upon the Myall River at Tea Gardens, on Friday, 16 June.

In a sequel to their previous diligent inspection, the Paddle Pops kayakers, from Palm Lakes Resort, took to the water re-enforced by a motor-boat supplied by Clarrie from the Boatshed Restaurant, arranged with Gordon Grainger from MRAG, to recover more jetsam discovered on the estuary island earlier in the week.

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In a true team effort from the ‘Paddle Pops’ volunteers, Doug Webber at the helm, Rod Larkin along with Gordon Hutchins collected the rubbish.

“While very little rubbish was located two weeks ago, when we checked out the single folding chair we located a further five chairs, one wooden table, a BBQ some plastic covers plus some garden pots, so went back today to collect them and dispose of them at the Boat Ramp at Tea Gardens,” Rod Larkin of the Paddle Pops group told NOTA.

The haul may lead some to suggest that someone has been attempting to live on the tidally flooded island, or, perhaps this is leftover flotsam from the houseboat that capsized back during the pandemic in 2021.

The presence of a lawnmower in the middle of the river, however, appears to be the most perplexing part of the mystery.

“Tea Gardens residents can now be happy that their waterways are spotless and clean until the next clean-up after Christmas 2023.”

Some refreshing beers were enjoyed by the workers back at the Boatshed after the clean-up.

“Congratulations to you and the team!” Mr Grainger said, representing the MRAG.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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