‘Dawn Till Dusk’ landscape photography exhibition opens at Cartoon Gallery

Long Jetty on the Central Coast shot by Barney Maple.

BELLINGEN photographer Barney Maple has opened an exhibition of his fine art photography at the National Cartoon Gallery,

The exhibition, Dawn Till Dusk, is showing at The Bunker from 4 April to 4 June, and already receiving acclaim that Barney describes as “overwhelmingly inspiring”.

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“People have really connected with the photographs and pondered their connection to the landscapes and wilderness,” Barney told News Of The Area.

“Comments like being drawn deep into the image, three-dimensional, happiness, relaxed, empathy, moving forward, insignificant, interconnected, powerful, adventurous, tranquility, togetherness, relaxation, balance, curiosity and captivated.”

The exhibition is a powerful and inspiring experience of our local breathtaking landscapes and those slightly further afield along regional areas on the East Coast.

“My photography captures the raw beauty of the world around us,” he said.

“It inspires us to connect with nature and to create positive change in our world.”

Whether it is walking along a beach, diving under a wave or walking through the trees, Barney believes we all have an innate connection with nature, which is why humans find themselves in awe of a sunset over darkening mountains, or a golden sunrise across the ocean; and photography is one way to please that deep feeling.

“I connect with nature by walking through the landscape with no set goal.

“I let my mind wander and find its own way whilst taking in the smell, sights and sounds.

“It’s my soul food,” he said.

“Visually I like to stumble across the scene and picture it from all different angles and places.

“When I look through the camera, I’m transported to another world.

“I can sense when the photo looks right, it’s my happy place.

“I love capturing our innate connection with the landscape.”

As an artist choosing the photos to put into an exhibition for the public, Barney said he likes to share images that have an emotive feel.

“Something that stops people and makes them think, often with their heart and soul, and they just know in their head… the images people are lost for words on,” he said.

“They can’t quite put their finger on what they are connecting to.

“I believe it is because we all still connect with the landscape.

“We’ve just lost some of the words to describe it.”

As part of the Dawn Till Dusk exhibition, Barney has created an ‘immersive’ experience.

“I prompt viewers to write down their connection with the landscape, nature or my photography onto paper that is embedded with plant seeds.

“Visitors pin their thoughts and feelings onto the living wall.

“At the end, we will release all the comments and send people their seeded paper to plant and watch their connection to the landscape literally grow.”

Dawn Till Dusk sustainably printed fine art prints are available for purchase “to bring the imagery into your space and stay inspired”.

Photographer Barney Maple will be at the gallery most days from Thursday to Sunday.

For more information visit www.barneymaplephotography.com.au.

Barney’s collaboration with The National Cartoon Gallery is the result of a creative arts networking event in 2022 at Jetty Beach House.


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