Dance ‘n Dazzle Studio host examinations Port Stephens Sport Sport by News Of The Area - Modern Media - November 22, 2021November 22, 2021 Sienna Gentle, Anna Courtney, Olivia Storer, Olivia Geer, Sienna Van Hees, Ava Harris. ON Sunday 14 November Dance ‘n Dazzle Studio at Medowie were able to hold their ATOD Classical Ballet, Jazz Moves and National Character Examinations for 2021. This was a huge challenge this year as they had only returned to dance six days prior. The dance exams were to be held back in August but Covid restrictions shut them down two weeks before they were to be held. The students have been busily practicing for their exams via free livestream lessons Principal Miss Corynne Darcy has been offering all students daily. The Studio was super excited to have Mrs Margaret Kirkness, a well-known examiner come up from Sydney to assess the students in person. Although the Studio is still awaiting individual results, they have been told that all students have passed and done very well. “To see how hard these students have been working in such difficult circumstances makes me a very proud teacher. “I am very grateful for the wonderful families who have been so persistent with their effort,” said Dance ‘n Dazzle Studio Principal Corynne Darcy. The studio’s dancers are now working towards their Covid-safe End of Year Concert to be held Sunday 19 December. This is much later than they would normally hold a concert but they have only six weeks to get all their routines together. The students all deserve to have something to look forward to after such a challenging past eighteen months and studio principal Corynne Darcy was determined to see the concert happen. Intermediate Student Kyara Darcy with Examiner Margaret Kirkness. Sienna Gentle, Zoe Lyon, Kathrine Sautchuk, Brooke Brown, Bella Maloney, Olivia Adams.