A DEVELOPMENT application (DA) has been refused for an outdoor recreation facility involving the use of motocross tracks at 47 Horton Close, Glen Martin.
In accordance with Dungog Shire Council’s ‘Assessment of Development Applications Policy’, the application was reported to Council for determination due to 75 objections being registered during two separate notification periods.

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The DA sought approval for the continued use of earthworks which were carried out without consent, and for the use of those earthworks as private motocross tracks.
“As previously addressed within the report, the proposed development is considered to be inconsistent with the zone objectives, has failed to satisfy a number of clauses within the Dungog LEP 2014 and has failed to demonstrate that the impacts from the development will not have an unacceptable impact on the amenity of adjoining land and the locality,” Dungog Shire Council said in a statement.
“As such, approval is not in the public interest.
“Council determined the development is likely to adversely affect the amenity of the rural surroundings as a result of noise and visual impacts.
“Significant public objection has been received to the proposed development, and as such, approval of the application is not considered to be in the public interest.”