Cyclists Beware Of New Wire Barrier At Coffs Harbour Airport

The wire is difficult to see and prevents pedestrians and cyclists from crossing lanes.


MANY Coffs Coast cyclists include a loop through the airport as part of their ride.

Recently, what appears to be an unannounced change to traffic conditions, requires them to be extra cautious.

The taxi lane has been wired off for its entire length, including the yellow bollards through which pedestrians left the arrival hall and cyclists used to change lanes to use the outer loop road.

At least two cyclists have been injured because the wire is very difficult to see, according to the cyclists who spoke to News Of The Area.

The original ‘no cyclists’ sign is at the start of the fenced off lane but there does not appear to be any signs warning of the change.

Several strands of red and white tape have appeared on the wires but there are none at the bollards where cyclists have previously entered to turn into the outer loop road.

One cyclist who fell, said that someone came out from the airport and drivers only response to cyclist falling was to say that ‘cyclists weren’t allowed in the airport at all’.

Social media comments to date have been very negative towards the change, and some have pointed out that another consequence is that, because there is no longer access to the taxi lane for private vehicles, passengers are going to get very wet when making their way to the car park in the rain.

Others have questioned the reasons for the change which does not appear to be ‘community-friendly’.


By Andrew VIVIAN

One thought on “Cyclists Beware Of New Wire Barrier At Coffs Harbour Airport

  1. The changes at the airport are definitely not community friendly and one could almost argue that the wires are meant to injure. The next thing to change once the new lessees take over will be a hike in the parking fees. Watch this space.

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