Crowds Flock To ANZAC Day Marches To Pay Their Respects

Almost 2000 people paid their respects at Sawtell.


AFTER a year’s absence because of COVID-19, the Dawn Service and ANZAC Day march in Sawtell and the combined service and march in Coffs Harbour drew large crowds on Sunday.

Sawtell organisers estimated that more than 500 people attended the Dawn Service and almost 2,000 people supported the march.

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97 year-old David Martin, possibly the only survivor of his WWII machine gun battalion, took part in the Dawn Service and then marched with almost 50 other returned service personnel.

The march also included the Bellinger River District Pipe Band, some veteran cars and several school groups.

There was no official Dawn Service in Coffs Harbour but wreaths were laid at dawn at the cenotaph next to the Coffs Harbour Ex-Services Club

The Coffs Harbour ANZAC Day service and march were held at the C.ex Coffs International Stadium, with more than 3,000 people in attendance.

Robbie Canning accompanied the Last Post on the didgeridoo and also heralded the entry of the marchers.

The Air Force cadets followed the Coffs Coast Pipes and Drums into the stadium to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Royal Australian Air Force.

The marchers marched around the perimeter of the oval and came to a halt in front of the grandstand and the ex-servicemen and women were given a standing ovation.

All age groups were represented amongst the onlookers at both events, indicating that respect for those that have made sacrifices over the years has definitely not diminished.


By Andrew VIVIAN


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