Cronulla Sharks visit Orara High School in school trailer donation

Orara High School with Cronulla Sharks players Wade Johnson, Will Chambers and Shaun Johnson.


CRONULLA Sharks players Wade Graham, Will Chambers and Shaun Johnson visited Orara High School in Coffs Harbour to gift a new trailer on behalf of their major sponsors Aramex.

The players shared personal experiences and took questions from Clontarf Foundation students, an organisation which helps young men to attend school, finish year 12 and enter employment.

Sharks Captain Wade Graham displayed the jersey the Cronulla Sharks wore for the Indigenous round and explained the meaning behind each symbol to his avid listeners.

The three Sharks players shared their contrasting High School upbringings and their transition to the NRL.

Wade Graham spoke about growing up in Blacktown and playing for the Penrith Panthers from aged 18, reading out some of the inspiring quotes displayed on the walls of the Clontarf room which he connected with.

“When I look around in this room I see many of the values that have helped me, like commitment, hard work, discipline and teamwork,” said Wade as the students nodded.

Sharks centre Will Chambers grew up in the Northern Territory and was signed by the Melbourne Storm at age 17 where he faced the challenges of moving to the other side of the country.

“I was incredibly homesick moving to Melbourne at age 17, I used to phone home four times a day, I was so homesick, I called home in the morning, before recess, after school and in the evening.

“I used to get incredibly anxious, I used to throw up before games when I was young, I couldn’t sleep the night before and as a result my form was up and down but I took action to overcome that, now I meditate and that has helped me a lot,” said Will.

Sharks halfback Shaun Johnson grew up playing tag in New Zealand and made his break into the NRL by compiling video footage of himself playing tag and sending it to clubs.

“I made videos of my best moments playing tag and sent it to all the clubs and that’s how I got picked up, that’s something to think about,“ said Shaun.

Orara High School Principal Michael McFarlane described the trailer from Aramex as a huge benefit which will help facilitate the activities of the Clontarf Foundation in the short and long term.

“Having our own trailer means we can transport equipment for the program which is something the students will benefit from both instantly and for years to come,” said Michael.

The students stood proudly in front of their new trailer alongside their Sharks heroes, Aramex CEO Peter Lipinski, Mark Dugdale from Aramex Coffs Harbour and Warwick Jones, the Clontarf Foundation’s Operations Officer.

The affable Sharks continued to listen, share stories and joke with the students in the outdoor area at Orara High School before leaving for the team hotel.

The Cronulla Sharks made an instant impact winning the hearts of the Coffs Harbour students and the broader community leaving many people asking the question, “When are they coming back to Coffs Harbour?”




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