Cr Sally Townley reveals her team for the upcoming election

Team Townley includes (from left) Brigit Mackenzie, Carolyn Heise, Cr Sally Townley, Geyne Feeney and Ellena Cheers-Flavell. Photo: supplied.


CURRENT Coffs Harbour City councillor Sally Townley has officially launched her election campaign and announced her team for the upcoming local government election.

Dr Sally Townley launched her campaign for re-election on Wednesday 3 November at the North Coast Regional Botanic Garden.

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Included in the Townley Team are 18-year-old environmental advocate Sawtell local Ellena Cheers-Flavell, Coffs Harbour locals Geyne Feeney, a former Woolgoolga High School student, and Cancer Council NSW Board Member Carolyn Heise, and passionate supporter of the arts and culture and disability advocate Brigit Mackenzie of Coffs Harbour.

“We have a great team of people with a lot to offer the community,” Cr Townley said.

“Our vision is centred on the long-term future of this area with sustainability at the heart of everything we do.
“The Coffs Coast is undergoing a lot of changes; we have lots of people wanting to move here, we are seeing a rise in demand for different styles of housing and we are seeing large infrastructure projects driving economic growth.”

Cr Townley said the team also knows that one of the main reasons people like living in the Coffs Harbour region is because of the area’s natural environment.

“Our goal will be to balance growth and development with the preservation of our waterways, beaches and forests,” she said.

“Our team believes strongly in the idea of intergenerational equity, which is that future generations should have access to the same natural and social resources that we do.

“We also want to elevate the importance of arts and culture in society; we believe that society is strengthened by creativity and artistic endeavour.”

Cr Townley said her team also plans to address social inequality, particularly in terms of housing.

“We believe that local government can play a role in social housing and we want to strengthen Council’s capacity for that purpose,” she said.

“Council plays a central role in our community, with the provision of roads, clean water, sporting facilities, cultural and community centres, lifesavers, health and safety inspections and so much more.

“We want to make sure resources are used efficiently and effectively to keep providing great services for all of us.”

The Townley Team is also committed to respecting the diversity within the local Coffs community.

“We recognise that everyone, no matter what their age, ability, gender, bank balance, sexual orientation or post code, has an equal right to access services and to be heard,” she said.

The Coffs Harbour local government election will take place on Saturday 4 December.



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