Cr David Jones is running for his second term as Nambucca Valley Councillor Nambucca Valley Nambucca Valley News by News Of The Area - Modern Media - November 18, 2021 Cr David talking to a local in front of the shop window displaying the community’s thoughts. Photo: supplied by David Jones. IN 1970, Joni Mitchell sang, “They paved paradise and put up a parking lot.” 50 years later, Councillor David Jones believes that we may have to guard against overdevelopment in Nambucca. Cr Jones’s campaign has centered around spending many hours in the heart of Nambucca Heads talking to people and recording their ideas and thoughts and then posting them on the window of a shop in Bowra Street, Nambucca Heads. What Cr Jones has discovered in talking with locals is that the main issues of interest are “basic services, more funding for roads, sealing country roads, maintaining footpaths, playgrounds and public toilets”. “These may seem mundane but they are what are important to us,” he said. Cr Jones interacts with members of the community frequently and has found that people don’t like unnecessary changes that may have a negative impact on the Valley. “I drive three days a week for Community Transport, people chat and again people say that they enjoy the way things are, change will happen but we need to make sure we don’t ruin the very thing we love about the Valley.” For Cr Jones, informed by those he has spoken to in the community, overdevelopment is a concern. “The election could be a turning point. “I see myself as neither pro nor anti development, but I fear that our balance could be upset if we allow unfettered and overbearing development. “I have been in Nambucca for ten years and on Council for five, my other council experience was one term on the Bendigo Council, two years of which were as Mayor.” News Of The Area asked Cr Jones why he and his family moved to Nambucca from Victoria 10 years ago. “We moved to Nambucca and like so many, moved here for the lifestyle and the peace and quiet. “We have a wonderful community, great natural beauty and the next Council must wisely navigate the years ahead. In terms of his role in Council Cr Jones said, “I hope to have a balancing influence, and in fact, if I had to choose between development or people I’ll say straight up, we need to put our people first.” The commitment Cr Jones has for representing the community, and his enthusiasm for Nambucca Valley, is obvious. “We have a wonderful community with lots of connectedness and a great volunteer and giving culture. “I’d be thrilled to serve for another three years.” By Rachel MCGREGOR-ALLEN