Country trained racehorse ‘Tycoon Street’ from Macksville set for big things

Macksville racehorse Tycoon Street.


COUNTRY trained racehorses are the lifeblood of the sport, and Macksville has a star in the making.

Horsetrainer Ron Johnson got in touch with Nambucca Valley News Of The Area to share news of his ‘one to watch’ as the Spring racing season arrives.

He’s got a special affection for Tycoon Street, a seven-year-old bay mare and winner of six races with $168k in winnings so far.

Having suffered an ovarian problem, the clinical procedure to correct it was followed by “two months out in a nice paddock rugged at night and fed twice daily”, Ron said.

“She’s done fantastic.”

Ron’s over the moon with the result and said, “She’s a new horse, big and strong, all her organs now seem really clear.”

Ron trains Tycoon Street on Macksville’s Ballards Farm owned by thoroughbred breeder and banana grower Peter Ballard; he swims her at the beach in Nambucca and travels her to Coffs every Saturday for track work.

“Having different training routines at different places helps rejuvenate horses which has suited Tycoon Street.

“She enjoys all routines but on race days she used to be stressed as she knew she was going to race in pain.

“She will never race in pain again; any evidence of pain and she will not race.

“She is now super and it’s quite extraordinary she looks that well.

“The question is, however, is Tycoon Street switched on to being a professional racehorse pain-free and behaving well on race days, and race well?

“Or not?

“Sometimes, all they want to be is a mum, so if she plays up and does not want to be at the racetrack, so be it.

“There’s a nice stallion named Tosen Stardom (Japan) who will be the sire…I’ve already made the booking.”

Another local country trainer enjoying remarkable success is Stuart’s Point publican Graham Payne who trains in Coffs Harbour.

“With good horses locally, we would like to see the local Bowraville track widened and cambered so we can compete locally on a good track.

“It’s OK but both Kempsey and Coffs are superior tracks.

“Bowraville needs an upgrade as it’s falling short of what’s required.”

“It could be a natural showplace and pride of the Valley done correctly, I’m sure.”




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