Council ward funds allocated to improve Medowie Skate Park

Medowie Skate Park is in dire need of an upgrade for the many young people who frequent it.
Medowie Skate Park is in dire need of an upgrade for the many young people who frequent it.


THE youth of Medowie have had some welcome news, with the announcement of funding to approve their existing skate park facilities on Ferodale Road.

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An excited group of young people were present for the news last week that Port Stephens Council has approved the need for improvements to their beloved skate park as one of the last financial approvals of the outgoing council.

One avid skater, Benjamin Nelson, told News Of The Area, “We are stoked to see that this has been put up to improve the park.”

“We can’t wait to see how it looks.”

Geoff Dingle, a councillor associated with the allocation of ward funds told News Of The Area, “Plans have been drawn up by some of the local youth to include new features including a bowl and slides to add challenge and interest.”

“Expansion of the park to include the basketball ring area should happen in the next term of Council with a further injection of funds.”

“The Medowie Skate Park has become a favourite spot for Medowie youth to enjoy time to test their skills on bikes, skateboards and scooters, and I’m always impressed that all age groups can share these facilities and show one another respect,” he said.

“The location of the park is ideal, visible from the busy local connecting footpath system and close to the residential area so youngsters don’t have to cross the busy Medowie road,” he added.

Another councillor from the outgoing Council who has supported the expansion of the Skate Park and allocation of funds was Chris Doohan.

Chris told News Of The Area, “I am pleased to have been able to achieve further funding for skate parks in my ward recently.”

“With the support of my fellow Central Ward councillors, another $5,000 has been added to the $15,000 already allocated to improve Medowie Skate Park.”

“This will be terrific for our kids, to have this highly used facility grow with the times and allow a fun space for children to meet, play, compete, learn and enjoy themselves,” he said.


By Rachael VAUGHAN


Baylie Barsley, Blaze Olsen, Jake Olsen, Trent Thompson, Bas Mowle, Dylan Youanowski and Codie Veitch were pleased with the announcement of an upgrade to their park.
Baylie Barsley, Blaze Olsen, Jake Olsen, Trent Thompson, Bas Mowle, Dylan Youanowski and Codie Veitch were pleased with the announcement of an upgrade to their park.

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