Council votes to create new Master Plan for Scotts Head

The Core Visitor Precinct, Scotts Head. Photo: Nambucca Valley Council.

NAMBUCCA Valley councillors voted to endorse the preparation of a new Master Plan for the Crown Reserve and surrounding community lands in Scotts Head at Council’s General Meeting last Thursday.

“There is significant opportunity for Council and Reflections Holiday Parks to work with the local community to undertake a master planning process to identify the challenges, constraints and opportunities of the core visitor precinct and surrounding community land at Scotts Head,” a spokesperson for Nambucca Valley Council said.

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Scotts Head Reserve’s current management plan (adopted in 2014) and the Adin Street Reserve’s management plan (adopted in 2018) were both jointly commissioned by the then Department of Lands and Nambucca Valley Council through a statutory master plan process in 2008.

“A master plan process (for the region of Scotts Head) will provide the foundation for updating (these) plans to ensure they are contemporary and fit for purpose,” the spokesperson said.

Ray Fowke spoke on behalf of Scotts Head Community Group in support of the plan.

“Most of the issues that concern our group relate to the management of the core visitor precinct, that area from the Surf Club, all the way along the beachfront and the open space behind it right to the end of the caravan park, which is extremely popular, highly visited and many locals would go there every day.”

Shared access, environmental conditions and public amenities are of great importance to his group, Mr Fowke said, while commending the Council’s proposal for a master planning process to begin.

“It took ten years to develop the (last) master plan and that is now ten years old so hopefully this time with all of the input and the work that has been done by the Community Group, it will be a much quicker process,” said Mayor Rhonda Hoban.


Scotts Head Reserve, the area in red, is managed by Reflections Holidays. Photo: Nambucca Valley Council.

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