Council to record use of delegated powers following transparency motion

COUNCILLOR Giacomo Arnott has called for more transparency within the Council.

In a notice of motion passed unanimously by those in attendance at the 26 July Council meeting, it was resolved that Council notes that the General Manager and Mayor have many powers that are delegated to them personally to enable the day-to-day functioning of Council, and of Council’s public image in between Council meetings.

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Cr Arnott’s motion requests that the General Manager keep a record of each time the General Manager personally uses a legislative power under delegation and each time the Mayor uses a power under delegation.

Additionally, it will now be a requirement that a new item be added to each Council meeting’s Information Papers, outlining each occasion delegated powers have been used since the prior Council meeting addressing what power under the Local Government Act 1993 was used, the date it was used and its purpose.

Section 226 of the Local Government Act provides for 15 powers to the person holding the office of Mayor, and 11 powers to the person holding the office of General Manager.

The motion was passed by Crs Leah Anderson, Giacomo Arnott, Matthew Bailey, Glen Dunkley, Peter Francis, Peter Kafer and Jason Wells.


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