Council to investigate options for new Community Space in Raymond Terrace

PORT Stephens Council endorsed a Notice of Motion by West Ward Councillor Peter Kafer to investigate options for the development of a town hall for Raymond Terrace.

Councillor Peter Kafer said its important Council explores ways to increase community infrastructure and facilities to meet the needs of residents now and into the future.

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“Raymond Terrace is a vibrant, growing community and as a long term resident, I know our schools, sporting groups, community organisations and business are all looking for venues that they can use for presentations, balls, dinners and big events,” Mr Kafer said.

“Not only that, a venue like this can grow our town centre – creating vibrancy, activity and in turn attract more business and more investment.

“This type of facility would be way bigger than anything we’ve done in the past and I know it’ll cost a lot but it’s our role to think big and find ways to fund these projects.

“The goal is to do this right by exploring what the community really needs and finding ways to generate revenue to make sure this facility is sustainable into the future,” he added.

Councillor Kafer said this has been a vision of his for some time and he was grateful for the support from his fellow Councillors to move forward with the investigations.

This Notice of Motion was carried at the Tuesday May 9 Council meeting with fellow Councillors supporting the idea.

Council staff will now investigate potential costs and locations for the building concept and report back to Council for further discussion.

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