Council supports EcoNetwork Port Stephens in establishing Koala Warning signs for Pearson Park


Council supports EcoNetwork Port Stephens in establishing Koala Warning signs for Pearson Park

ECONETWORK Port Stephens has been awarded a donation towards koala warning signs.

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EcoNetwork Port Stephens is a not-for-profit volunteer conservation organisation dedicated to promoting sustainability and protecting the natural environment in the biodiverse Port Stephens region.

In the recent Port Stephens Council meeting on 26 April 2022, a contribution of $2139.50 of Mayoral funds was granted to EcoNetwork Port Stephens to erect koala warning signs for Pearson Park.

The area is located at the southern end of Sunset Beach in Tanilba Bay, where there are a large number of off-lead dogs which pose a risk to koalas in Port Stephens.

According to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, one of the largest risks to koalas is off-leash dogs.

The recommendation of the Department is to keep dogs on leads in areas where there are koalas, particularly in the their mating season from September to February in which koalas spend more time moving between trees on the ground.

EcoNetwork Port Stephens hopes that through these signs, locals will be encouraged to be cautious with their animals in the area.

Mayor Cr Ryan Palmer was glad to support the project.

“This is a great project and we’ve been able to work with EcoNetwork, and in particular, one of their members to get some cool funky little signs out and about to support their environment projects.

“I’m very happy to put forward this motion to support the group,” Mayor Palmer said.



One thought on “Council supports EcoNetwork Port Stephens in establishing Koala Warning signs for Pearson Park

  1. Koala warning signs to retrain your dog step in the right direction when it comes to saving Port Stephens local koala colony from extinction. However, the Port Stephens council needs to stop approving the destruction of koala habitat i.e. a few months ago Port Stephens council was planning to sell a core koala habitat and koala corridor at 109 foreshore drive.

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