Council seeks to improve local experiences and build efficiencies through Community Conversations

MIDCOAST Council has been engaging with the wider community in our local government area over the past few weeks.

It has allowed locals to find out about Council priorities and for Council to become aware of local issues of concern.

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Council has indicated that what is important to you locally is important to them and they will act on your concerns.

MidCoast Council’s Director of Corporate Services Steve Embry commented that these conversations were about “moving us to a better place and having a better experience with Council”.

“It’s about the council improving what you see and feel improving communications and efficiency within our culture,” remarked Mr Embry.

The ‘Community Conversations’ have concentrated on four broad key areas, these being “climate change, improving assessment items, economic development and open space and recreational strategy”, said Acting General Manager Paul De Szell.

“It’s about looking at everything from a fresh perspective and building efficiencies both internal and external in our organisation,” said Mr De Szell.

Many items will be a long process but it was noted at these meetings that everything will be looked at from a fresh perspective.

Mayor Claire Pontin pointed out that these types of community interactions will occur twice a year across the local government area and they would welcome your input in these sessions.

Items such as maintenance of local issues should be logged on the Council website at or alternatively ring Council on (02) 7955727.


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