Council Roundup with MidCoast Councillor Len Roberts


Tea Gardens Visitor Centre

IN my last column I may have inadvertently given the impression that the CTC was receiving $10,000 PA from Council.

That is not the case and I apologise to the wonderful CTC management team if it caused any angst.

The council figure was the amount the Council spent in operational costs as a “landlord”.

The CTC and volunteers saved Council (ratepayers) many thousands of dollars through their efforts.

They cannot be thanked and appreciated enough.

We have many volunteers assisting the Council in many ways across the shire and their value is immeasurable not only financially but also in community enhancement.

Bulahdelah Highway Service Centre

Council received a letter of offer from the proponent of the Bulahdelah Highway Service Centre Planning Proposal to enter into a Voluntary Planning Agreement with Council to offset any potential initial adverse impacts that their proposed development may have on the Bulahdelah business community.

In summary, the proponent has offered to pay Council $500,000 to mitigate the initial potential adverse impacts that their proposed highway service centre may have on the Bulahdelah business community.

These funds are to be spent by Council on items that will benefit the Bulahdelah township and the Bulahdelah business community.

These funds must be spent on items that fall under the following categories:

1. public domain improvements, to items such as streets/roads, parks and foreshore areas (e.g. lighting, landscaping, seating, signage);

2. general business assistance available to all Bulahdelah businesses (e.g. marketing, merchandising, website advice/tutorials);

3. RV-friendly town improvements (e.g. a designated RV parking area).

In addition, the proponent also agrees to provide for local promotions within the highway service centre, either in the form of an area for advertising/brochures or via digital means.

This offer is seen as a genuine attempt to offset any potential initial adverse impacts of their proposed development.

It is important to remember that such agreements are voluntary, that we have a willing proponent and that the VPA will be placed on the title of the land and hence be an obligation on any future landowner.

The plan will be exhibited for comment.

Council Elections

The council elections have been postponed until 4 December 2021.

In answer to many who have asked the question if I will be standing, the answer is yes, and thank you so much to the many who encouraged me to do so.

I have put together a great local team with Sandra Bourke and Arthur Baker from Bulahdelah.

I have finally been dragged into the digital communication age and I now have a Facebook page.

Given the worry of covid restrictions there will probably be an emphasis on postal and online voting.

All the up-to-date information will be on my page as well as


By MidCoast Councillor Len ROBERTS

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