Council briefed on potential Coffs Bypass updates

Marina Rockett from the Coffs Harbour Bypass Action Group and Community Consultative Representative for the Coffs Bypass encourages community feedback to Transport for NSW by the cut-off date of 20 February 2023; seen here showing community members Ron and Dorothy Woodhill from Roselands Estate the new design for the Coramba Road Interchange.

TRANSPORT for NSW provided a briefing to City of Coffs Harbour councillors on Wednesday 8 February, one of many Transport for NSW has provided to groups interested in potential changes to the detailed design of the Coffs Harbour bypass.

“The focus of the briefing with councillors was on design refinements to the Englands Road, Coramba Road and Korora Hill interchanges,” a Transport for NSW spokesperson told News Of The Area.

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“The views of the council are obviously an important consideration.

“Transport for NSW is inviting submissions during its consultation on these design refinements and reminds anyone interested that submissions close on Monday 20 February.”

Playing its part in encouraging the community to speak up for what they want, about issues and concerns that will affect their homes with the new bypass and interchanges, is the Community Consultative Committee (CCC) for the Coffs Harbour Bypass.

The CCC was set up in January 2019 prior to the March state election in that year, after the response by the community voicing its opinion about tunnels being replaced by cuttings in the Preferred Concept Design released in September 2018.

The Coffs Bypass Action Group (CBAG) was formed at the same time to inform those in the community who would be adversely affected with what was happening.

“We can proudly say that CBAG was very instrumental in the bid to reinstate the tunnels,” Marina Rockett, the nominated representative on the Committee for CBAG, told News Of The Area.

“When forming the Committee, the Deputy Premier and the Minister for Transport at the time said, ‘It’s vital we have community representation at every step of the way through this process’ and ‘We need to get the best result for the community, which is why the consultative committee will now recruit local community members to drive community engagement’.”

Since inception, the CCC meets generally every three months, and CBAG has regularly asked questions regarding noise issues which is believed will have the biggest impact on the communities along the new route.

“Our mission statement has always been ‘To ensure the best outcome is achieved for the Coffs Harbour Bypass for the benefit of the community at large’,” Marina said.

“The CCC has and will continue to play a big part in community engagement and as a member of this committee, I will continue to work for the community as I have done for the past four years.”

Marina can be contacted at

Community comments, concerns and suggestions regarding the refinements to the plans for the three interchanges mentioned above can be submitted to TfNSW by 20 February by visiting


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