Council backs volunteer group and new master plan for Camden Head Lookout

PORT Macquarie-Hastings Council has taken a significant step forward in addressing long-standing community concerns about the Camden Head Lookout Reserve.

Until earlier this month, two concept plans for the future of the Reserve were promoted on Council’s website for feedback.

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At the July Ordinary Meeting, councillor (Cr) Adam Roberts moved a motion, seconded by Mayor Peta Pinson, to endorse the establishment of a ‘Friends of Camden Head Lookout’ volunteer group.

This group will provide bi-monthly reports to the Council and undertake preliminary works to tidy up the site.

The motion also included adopting, as a starting point, the Individual Stakeholder Proposal, which the volunteer group will further develop.

The Individual Stakeholder Proposal will be presented to Council for final adoption, detailing medium to long-term works, project costs, and likely legislated planning assessment pathways.

“This item has had plenty of debate in the community over many years and there are many views on this particular item,” Cr Roberts said in support of the motion.

“Establishing a ‘Friends of Camden Head Lookout’ [group] I think is something well worth moving forward with.”

Mayor Pinson echoed his sentiments, emphasising her long-term support for community-driven initiatives.

“The community first came to me about this issue in 2016,” she said.

“You’ve got to have a lot of patience in local government.

“I’ve always supported what the community is trying to achieve in their own backyard.

“The clearing and maintenance of that headland means the community can walk to it, enjoy it, picnic at it, have photos with it, which is what community space is all about.”

Cr Lauren Edwards raised concerns about the motion, highlighting a petition with 520 signatures supporting the Council’s Camden Head Endorsed Draft Masterplan.

“Why is a petition from 520 community members not as significant as the one that had 230 signatures which called for a clearing of the headland only, not this plan put forward in your alternate motion?” Cr Edwards asked.

In response, Cr Roberts said much feedback had to be considered.

“At no stage did I say 520 was not significant but there is also a lot of information we need to consider including years of feedback from community members as well and the current state of the site which needs a lot of work,” he said.

Councillor Lisa Intemann also spoke in opposition of Cr Roberts’ motion.

“I cannot support this motion, it steps right outside our responsibility to the law and the community,” she said.

Cr Rachel Sheppard, opposing the motion, said the previously endorsed Masterplan had broad community and governmental support.

“The Endorsed Masterplan that was produced by staff has the support of the majority of community stakeholders, the support of government authorities and it’s feasible.

“Whereas in direct comparison the Individual Stakeholder proposed master plan before us in this motion has direct opposition from the government authorities and if we go down this pathway it will cost more money and limited staff resources being directed to it.”

Cr Sheppard moved an amendment to defer the item until a communication plan had been developed.

“Here we are proposing to disregard all of the advice given to us and community input once again for what sounds like a long-standing election promise,” Sheppard remarked.

The Mayor then spoke against the amendment.

“I never came to Council to drive through what was important to me.

“Deferring this item is not a result for the community and it is about finding balance and I want to get on with the job.”

The amendment was put to a vote and was supported by councillors Lipovac, Sheppard, Edwards, and Intemann, but opposed by Mayor Pinson and councillors Roberts, Maltman, and Slade, resulting in the amendment being lost.

Sheppard then moved another amendment to note the support of government authorities for the draft Camden Head Endorsed Masterplan and opposition to the Individual Stakeholder Proposal.

Cr Sheppard’s amendment also sought to note the majority of community feedback being in support of the council-endorsed plan, among other items.

This amendment was also lost, with the Mayor and councillors Roberts, Maltman, and Slade opposing.

The original motion to endorse the establishment of a ‘Friends of Camden Head Lookout’ volunteer group and adopt the Individual Stakeholder Proposed Master Plan was carried with the support of Councillors Roberts, Maltman, and Slade, and the casting vote used by the Mayor.


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