Coronation Park play area at Dungog completed

Violetta exploring the quiet corner.

NEAR the corner of Abelard and Mackay Streets in Dungog, the Coronation Park playground is now officially completed.

An accessible seesaw called “the Dragonfly”, and springy “soft fall” surfaces are the most recent additions.

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The changes to the area make it more inclusive, as well as safer for a range of users.

Coronation Park originally had a small play area.

The new, larger play area is the result of a substantial three-stage project undertaken by Dungog Shire Council.

An “Everyone Can Play” grant totalling $60,000 from the NSW State Government, allowed Council to upgrade the first part of the playground, closest to the corner.

A Federal Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Funding grant paid for the second stage.

Finally, in a fortunate or unfortunate twist, the January 2022 storm severely damaged the park.

Natural disaster funding from the Federal Government paid for the final stage.

Some of the colourful features of the park are a ninja area, exercise balls, musical instruments and a large climbing frame.

Council’s Community Project Officer, Tracey Lowrey said she was “most excited about the quiet end of the park”. It features a sheltered, shaded area fitted with tactile and sensory games, from which a person seated inside can watch the play outside, while not being bombarded by sound.

The Dragonfly, with long, curving seats and side rails, is suited for users with mobility issues, who can lie on the seesaw.

Not only children were considered in planning the modifications.

Safe seating which allows a clear view all around was added inside the park, on the advice of local adults.

Car parking, paths and solar lighting help to link the playground to nearby sporting facilities like the new junior cricket ground.

Further work will be done in future to improve the entire Bennett Park Sporting Precinct, and join it to the proposed Hooke Street Precinct.

The new play equipment and surrounding structures at Coronation Park were planned with community consultation.

Council welcomes feedback on the playground, and input on the Bennett Park Precinct.


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