Cool Exhibition Opens in Tea Gardens

COOL EXHIBITION OPENING: Kerryan Griffin and Sylvia Reczek.
COOL EXHIBITION OPENING: Kerryan Griffin and Sylvia Reczek.


GALLERIES in the Gardens has celebrated its first year of operation with the opening of a new exhibition ‘Cool Summer’.

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“It might have been entitled ‘Cool Summer Exhibition’ but the day couldn’t have been hotter,’’ GIG President Trevor Cook said, “Even given the extreme heat, people still turned up in the early evening to be part of the official opening, some coming from quite far and wide.”

Among the hundred people who delighted in the occasion were MidCoast Council Lord Mayor David West, his wife, Maureen and granddaughter Mae.

“Guests were cooled by the breeze off the Myall, which made the garden a top spot for people to gather after viewing the artworks,” Trevor said.

The theme of this year’s Cool Summer Art Exhibition was ‘Gardens and Connected Landscapes’.

“Artworks ranged from an eye-catching birds nest by GIG artist Jacqui Bright, a unique turquoise/white/black totem pole for the garden by artist Wendy Thompson and a trompe l’oeil by Hannah Matilda, called ‘Distant Hills’.

A number of artworks sold on the night, thrilling their creators, while attracting the most votes in The People’s Choice Award was ‘Ripples’, by GIG member Glen Henry.

Louise Phillips was the lucky winner of the raffle for a gourmet hamper while a $100 gift voucher was won by Tam Dand.

The Cool Summer Exhibition runs to the end of January so you’ll need to be quick to catch it, but there’ll still be plenty to please the eye with the doors of Galleries in the Gardens open every day except Tuesday, at its beautiful home on Marine Drive Tea Gardens.


By: Margie TIERNEY


COOL EXHIBITION OPENING: Members and Guests enjoy the “Cool Summer Exhibition Opening”.
COOL EXHIBITION OPENING: Members and Guests enjoy the “Cool Summer Exhibition Opening”.


COOL EXHIBITION OPENING: Midcoast Lord Mayor David West and GIG President Trevor Cook. (left) COOL EXHIBITION OPENING: Dallas Murphy. (right)
COOL EXHIBITION OPENING: Midcoast Lord Mayor David West and GIG President Trevor Cook. (left)
COOL EXHIBITION OPENING: Dallas Murphy. (right)

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