Construction to begin on multi-purpose courts in Wauchope

The Wauchope netball community celebrates the announcement with council representatives and Member for Lyne Dr David Gillespie.

CONSTRUCTION will begin in the coming months on two new multi-purpose courts at Andrews Park, Wauchope.

The project has been awarded $350,000 from the Federal Local Roads and Community Infrastructure program.

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The courts will be located in front of the car park, at the southern end of Andrews Park on Cameron Street.

Stage 1 of the Landrigan and Andrews Parks masterplan is for the construction of two multi-use hard courts.

“This project will I know be welcomed by not only players, coaches and parents involved in netball in Wauchope, but also the broader community,” said Member for Lyne Dr David Gillespie.

“There is a great deal of demand for sporting facilities in Wauchope, particularly at the stadium adjacent to the field area.

“The local netball community will now have access to their own designated space for competition, and this will help free up some capacity at the stadium,” Dr Gillespie said.

Dr Gillespie congratulated Port Macquarie-Hastings Council on the project.

“I’d particularly like to thank not only Mayor Pinson and the staff for their work in developing the masterplan, but in particular I’d like to congratulate Councillor Josh Slade on the enormous work he has done with the community on this project,” Dr Gillespie said.

Mayor Peta Pinson said Council was committed to investing in the upgrade of Landrigan and Andrews Parks.

“In April this year, Council adopted the Master Plan for both parks to better plan for our community’s growing reliance on this important sporting precinct,” Mayor Pinson said.

“Located in the heart of Wauchope, these parks will play a major role in the provision of accessible sport for a variety of user groups well into the future.”

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