Conceptual design released for ‘Gateway Statement’ at new $1.5 million Tanilba Bay Roundabout

Preliminary work on the roundabout.


PORT Stephens Council has decided on a conceptual design for a ‘Gateway Statement’ at the new $1.5 million Tanilba Bay roundabout.

Councillor Steve Tucker said that there were several factors influencing their decision.

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“The main factor is safety.

“Drivers must be able to see across the structure to take note of cars entering and exiting the various lane options,” he said.

“Council has already planted some ground hugging vegetation which will not grow tall and restrict vision,” he added.

“The heavy duty vertical posts which have been hammered in give see-through vision and will be shaped in an ascending vertical spiral,” he said.

Mr Tucker said the roundabout will be a “showpiece for the town when the Avenue of the Allies’ $3million makeover is complete”. “Already, the cycleway is more or less done and the kerbing, drainage and tar sealing will follow.

“It certainly will be an engaging sight for visitors and prospective real estate buyers,” he noted.




The conceptual design.

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