Complete stranger act of Festive kindness for Hawks Nest’s Brian and Elsa Jones


Dear News Of The Area,

Today, (Saturday), my husband Brian and myself attended the Giant Ham raffle at the Country Club in Tea Gardens.

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The Club was packed and we were very lucky to get a seat around the corner overlooking the bowling greens.

At the table were 2 couples whom we had never ever met.

Well, as there were 150 hams to be won you can imagine we were there for several hours and got talking to the 2 couples at our table.

They were doing very well with the raffle and had won 3 hams each, whilst we had no luck.

We said our goodbyes, left the Club, went home to watch the golf on TV when the phone rang.

It was a call from one of the ladies at our table, who had managed to get our number from the office, she told us she would like to bring one of the hams they had won around to us.

Imagine how overwhelmed we were, never in our lives had a complete stranger given us a gift.

We were so very humbled and want to share this incredible act of the “Spirit of Christmas giving” with everyone.

Thank you so much for your act of kindness to us, we will never ever forget.

Merry Christmas to you all.

Brian and Elsa Jones
Hawks Nest

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