Community Positive Behaviour for Learning Program Port POPUP - DAupdate Port Stephens Port Stephens News by News Of The Area - Modern Media - October 25, 2023 Last week’s Raymond Terrace Community Positive Behaviour for Learning Program nominees. LAST week another great crop of local students were recognised for their community building efforts through the Raymond Terrace Community Positive Behaviour for Learning Program. – Irrawang Public School’s Peter Weber was nominated for being a responsible student – going above and beyond to ensure the safety of others. Well done Peter! Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – – Raymond Terrace Primary School’s Jassim Al Muraibt was nominated for always being respectful to the people around him. He goes out of his way to do the right thing because he knows this is the way to live. A recent example is when he was recognised by motel staff on a Canberra trip for cleaning up after others. – Grahamstown Public School’s Jorja Single was nominated for always being ready to help with any school event and her support of the P&C at both the Mothers Day and Fathers Day breakfasts. A true school citizen. Well done Jorja. – As a RAAF Cadet, Irrawang High School’s Thomas O’Rourke participated in both the ANZAC Day ceremonies at Raymond Terrace and Medowie. He is also a proud member of the IHS Drum Corps. Congratulations Thomas. – Hunter River High School’s Sarah Byrne was nominated for continued demonstration of Hunter River High School’s PBL values. Keep up the great effort, Sarah! – Salt Ash Primary School’s Fletcher Dunn was nominated for being a thoughtful and considerate student. Without being asked, he offered his spare hat to an upset student, so that they could play on the oval with their friends. – Medowie Public School’s Cleo Linaker always demonstrates the school’s expectations of being respectful, responsible and resilient. She always supports her friends through her positivity. Well done Cleo! – Seaham Public School’s Arlo Ingall is a caring student who always upholds PBL values by being a respectable, responsible learner. He was spotted collecting water bottles for his friends, keeping them hydrated on a very hot day. – Karuah Public School’s Ryder Croese was nominated for always upholding the school’s values of ‘Respect, Responsibility and Pride’. Ryder is always keen to partake enthusiastically in whole school activities and with his persistence and determination when challenged, he consistently strives to achieve personal goals. Outstanding work Ryder!