Community groups rehabilitate koala habitat at Queens Lake Nature Reserve

Around 33 volunteers took part in the tree planting day. Photo: PMHC.

AROUND 500 koala food trees have been planted at Queens Lake Nature Reserve.

The joint exercise on 23 February involved Port Macquarie-Hastings Council (PMHC) staff, Hastings Landcare, the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and members of the Camden Haven community.

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The trees include Tallowwood, Grey Gum, Red Mahogany, Pink Bloodwood, and Turpentine.

The exercise is part of the Southern Arm Trunk Main (SATM) offset planting project which aims to balance habitat restoration with necessary infrastructure development.

“The planting area is within a large block recently acquired by the Crown and added to Queens Lake Nature Reserve,” NPWS Ranger Libby Jude said.

“The area was cleared by the previous owner, so it provided the perfect opportunity for revegetation to rehabilitate… and improve the continuity and quality of prime koala habitat.”

A spokesperson for Hastings Landcare said there was, ”nothing better than bringing the community together to take local environmental action.”

“It empowers people, connects people, and leaves people feeling positive about the future.”

PMHC Project Manager Gavin Sharp, said the exercise demonstrated how communities can come together to make a difference.

“By delivering vital infrastructure through the SATM project and complementing it with offset planting at Queens Lake Reserve, we are ensuring our region’s growth is underpinned by sustainable, environmentally responsible development.”

The SATM pipeline project has been in progress for over a decade.

Its objective is to guarantee sufficient water supply for the southern area of the Local Government Area (LGA) to serve existing urban development and anticipated population growth over the next 25-30 years.

Queens Lake Nature Reserve is a declared Asset of Intergenerational Significance for the protection of koala populations and their habitat.

To be a part of local conservation projects, email Hastings Landcare at

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