Community groups allowed to provide bus shelters

PORT Stephens Council has updated its bus shelter policy with the intent to allow community groups to provide bus shelters for the community and use the revenue gained from advertising to maintain the structure.

John Maretich, Port Stephens Council Asset Section Manager, said the policy seeks to ensure consistency and equity in the provision of bus shelters across the Local Government Area.

“The provision of shelters at bus stops plays an important part in increasing public transport patronage in Port Stephens while improving the comfort of passengers,” Mr Maretich said.

“This policy requires that community groups enter into a formal agreement with Council with documents who is responsible for the installation and ongoing maintenance of the shelter, who will benefit from the advertising rights and who will own the shelter at the end of the agreement.”

Mr Maretich says each agreement will vary, depending on the needs and abilities of the organisation involved.

The community group will also be responsible for the installation, maintenance, cleaning, replacement or removal and care of the shelter.

The policy was unanimously supported by Councillors and will now be placed on public exhibition for 28 days for community submissions.


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