Community feedback sparks conversation on business diversity in Camden Haven

DISCUSSIONS regarding the diversity of shops and businesses in the Camden Haven region have been sparked among the community.

The question was recently asked on a local community Facebook noticeboard by Camden Haven resident Karlee Lee, whether residents thought the region was missing anything.

The post attracted more than 150 comments, with residents providing a mixture of suggestions.

When asked what prompted her to engage the community forum, Mrs Lee told News Of The Area, “I decided to ask the community their perspective on any gaps that are currently provided to us as I am looking to retrain in the near future to return to the workforce after being a stay-at-home mum.”

Amongst the many suggestions there were frequent calls for an indoor play facility for children, a new grocery/supermarket in the Kendall/Kew area, and more medical facilities fully equipped with staff.

While many contributors had suggestions to offer there were some who commented on the challenges small businesses in the area face when opening their doors such as rising rents, increased stock and delivery costs, and people opting to do their shopping in the nearby Port Macquarie.

Their sentiment was that existing businesses need more support, and more competition was not the answer to economic sustainability in the area.

“The Facebook post was great to engage the community, with a large variety of opinions – mostly all good,” Mrs Lee stated.

Camden Haven Chamber of Commerce President Rod Bucton told News Of The Area, “It’s a bit of a catch-22… we need customers to support and sustain local business but at the same time, we need a diverse range of products and services to retain and attract new customers.

“I see the needs of our community grow as more and more people from young families to retirees move to our area.

“This is encouraging as it will assist existing business and encourage new business, as demand increases for goods and services close to where we live.”

A review conducted by the Camden Haven Chamber of Commerce identified almost 1100 businesses from Lake Cathie to Comboyne.

“When you consider there are approximately 100 businesses in the main street of Laurieton, there are many other hidden gems open for business in the Camden Haven,” Mr Bucton said.

“A key focus of the Chamber is to showcase local businesses, amplify what they have to offer and share this with our community and greater region, with a clear message of keeping it local.

“We do not have to travel out of the area to shop.”


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