Community called to make a difference through Community Funding Program

DO you have a project that will help support the Port’s status as a business, events and tourism destination?

Details are now available for the 2024 to 2025 Community Funding Program, which includes eleven funding categories to support social, cultural, environmental, and economic initiatives in Port Stephens.

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Mayor Ryan Palmer said more than $300,000 in grants and sponsorship funding are available to help shape vibrant neighbourhoods, liveability and inclusive communities.

“Our annual Community Funding Program has seen some great initiatives come to life, from programs that help embed Aboriginal perspectives into early learning for children to major events like Sail Port Stephens, which continues to welcome many visitors to our beautiful coastline,” Mayor Palmer said.

“There’s a great cross-section of funding streams available to empower applicants to reinvigorate our streets and neighbourhoods, support local businesses, and enhance the social, cultural, environmental and economic life of our communities.

“It’s a quick and simple online application form, but if you get stuck and need some help, or have any questions, contact the team to get some helpful tips for a successful application.

“We are looking forward to seeing a range of new applications come through this year,” he added.

For more information, to view the guidelines and apply, visit

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