Community anger over membership rejections by seniors club

Ivy Pacey House, the club’s base, is up for sale. Photo: Inspiration Real Estate.

THE vast majority of recent applications to join the Nambucca Senior Citizens Club have been denied, despite waning membership being cited as a reason for the impending sale of the group’s clubhouse.

As previously reported in NOTA, Nambucca Seniors has been struggling to pay its bills, leading to the club’s base and sole asset – Ivy Pacey House on Kent St, Nambucca Heads – being listed for sale last year.

In response, a public meeting in December 2024 led to around 80 applications for membership, of which only a handful have been accepted.

A number of the unsuccessful applicants have taken to social media to voice their displeasure.

“It’s pretty clear that they don’t actually want help or new members,” Roby Aitken wrote in a social media post.

“There are many in the community who want to keep this space going for all of us, but they are being denied.

“I wonder why they are so determined to sell and not just pass the reins to others.”

Other rejected applicants claim that their privacy has been violated, with their email addresses included at the bottom of a generic refusal email.

One frustrated applicant copied-in various public officials as well as other unsuccessful applicants in his response to the club secretary.

“I am still waiting for a suitable reply from you as we all need an explanation as to why we were not considered as suitable applicants for the Seniors,” wrote Stephen Dwarte.

“Looking at the above email addresses there appears to be a pattern as to which applicants have been rejected – that being you have a personal animosity towards myself and the others,” he said in his email.

Jacqui Larsen contacted NOTA after what she claims was an aggressive interaction with club secretary Vera Nichols last month.

The 81-year-old woman was told her membership was refused when she asked several questions at the club’s Tuesday meet-up.

Her questions included when the next general meeting would be held, and whether the building was still for sale. “Vera (Nichols) raised her voice, said I couldn’t join and told me to leave,” Ms Larsen said.

“My husband’s application was successful, so I went along as his guest the next week too, which they said was allowed.

“I intend to keep going because we need a centre like this and I don’t want to lose it,” she told NOTA.

Ms Nichols has turned down multiple offers from News Of The Area to provide comment on the situation.


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