Community and Council combine for Karuah revitalisation

The project has seen the activation of cafe and restaurant spaces.

THE addition of murals, outdoor spaces and colourful streetscapes are key parts of a recent revitalisation of Karuah, with the community and Port Stephens Council coming together to build towards a brighter and better township.

Port Stephens Council’s Vibrant Places Coordinator Amber Herrmann told News Of The Area, “The placemaking projects outlined in the Karuah Place Plan are focused on driving social well-being, creating a more connected town centre, better accessibility to the waterfront, and improving community facilities for all to enjoy.”

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Placemaking is designed to improve the vibrancy of townships, bringing the community together to implement the place plan.

“The Karuah Place Plan outlines the key values and priorities of the Karuah community.

“It’s been designed to support the Karuah Growth Strategy by identifying additional opportunities for residential development, employment lands, and public infrastructure.

“Project highlights include: the restoration of the Karuah Riverbank, Karuah Bridge Mural Project, Café and Restaurant activation project,” she said.

Council has confirmed that the Karuah Place Plan is not related to the SRV program, with some projects being funded through Council’s operational budgets, and others to be achieved through external grant funding.

Another initiative in Karuah has been the introduction of a regular community market held at Karuah Public School on the third weekend of every month.

Receiving Council funding, the Garuwa Market provides an opportunity for the community to come together, connect and celebrate local culture and showcase local micro businesses, artisans and produce.

The Karuah Konnect project, a collaboration between Karuah RSL, the Karuah Local Aboiriginal Land Council and the Karuah Progress Association, has delivered an on demand bus service to the township and surrounds, funded by Transport NSW for a two year period.


Port Stephens Councillor Leah Anderson visiting with community members seated in the repurposed and revitalised Parklets which were once installed at Shoal Bay. Anderson applauded the repurposing and reuse of these assets within the community.

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