Combined churches gather for carol singing in Tea Gardens

Everyone stood to sing their favourites at the Combined Carols event.

COMBINED Churches Christmas Carols were held at the Tea Gardens Baptist Church on Sunday, 22 December.

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It featured contingents from all churches singing traditional songs.

“It is so good for churches to be sharing, and to see a full church, everyone is happy,” Baptist Deacon Susan Carter told News Of The Area.

There were many traditional carols and a few modern ones (with Aussie variants).

The band was led by emcee Lou Smith from Bulahdelah, who also carried a few solo songs on her acoustic guitar.

The Uniting Church quartet delivered a rendition of “Twas the Night Before Christmas” before the room was brought to its feet for the Calypso Carol.

The audience then joined the Anglican singers as they delivered “Joy to the World”.

The interspersal of songs and spoken poetry by other groups gave the vocal chords a chance to rest, but soon enough 12-year-old Layla Roberts was belting out “Run Rudolph, Run, Run, Run”.

For Silent Night, Andrew and Nathan led audience members, who waved along with the lights of their mobile phones.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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