Coffs Harbour Yacht Club grows community participation in sailing

Australia Sailing Club Support Officer Gemma Burns with Simon Doyle, completing his Sailing Instructor and Power Boat Accreditation.

SAILING in Coffs Harbour is in growth thanks to positive leadership and burgeoning community interest.

Last weekend – 21 and 22 May – Australian Sailing Club Support Officer Gemma Burns visited Coffs Harbour Yacht Club to provide support and information due to its recent accreditation as a Discover Sailing Centre (DSC).

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Gemma also met with the club Board of Directors to answer questions and offer guidance on Australian Sailing’s ‘Sailing 2032’ Strategic Plan and the rollout of a club Participation Plan designed to grow community participation in sailing locally, and throughout the region.

Coffs Harbour Yacht Club is currently offering Start Sailing 1 and Start Sailing 2 courses.

Although recent weather and sea conditions have disrupted course scheduling, Gemma took the opportunity to present Al Rosales with his Start Sailing 1 completion certificate.

“The first to complete this course at Coffs Harbour, Al has spent many hours on the water practicing and improving his sailing skills whilst at the same time ignoring his dad’s signaling from the shore that his time on the water was up,” Coffs Harbour Yacht Club Commodore John Wait told News Of The Area.

“Gemma’s advice is invaluable in developing community participation which is key in taking the club into the future.

“Al’s completion certification is an important milestone in the achievement of that objective.

“Sailing is healthy and fun, and develops many skills, including resilience and confidence.

“The harbour, in combination with the Yacht Club, is the perfect arena to learn how to sail,” said John.

Sail Instructor Greg Peronchik told News Of The Area, “If you are interested, simply head to our website to contact us, or email”

Visit for more information.


Sailing Australia Support Officer Gemma Burns, Coffs Harbour Yacht Club Commodore John Wait and Al Rosales, receiving his Start Sailing 1 Completion Certificate.

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