Coffs Harbour swimming squad make a big return to competition

Coffs Harbour top swimming squad. Back row. L to R: Sylas Phillips, Sarah-Jane Weir (coach), Finn Pengelly, Piper Phillips, Mitchell Hickey. Front row. L to R: Lilly Geddes, Cale Ogilvy, Harley Teale, Layci Teal, Remi Ogilvy, Bella Teale, Andrea Thomson.


A SQUAD of some of Coffs Harbour’s best swimmers have made a stunning return to competition.

After not being able to compete since July due to restrictions on community sport, the local squad have made a glorious return to the pool.

The local squad have excelled in events over the past two weekends, recording new country, state, and even national times as well 65 personal bests.

Lilly Geddes (15 years) has now qualified for her first Age Nationals in two events, swimming exceptionally well.

She’ll now go on to compete at both the Australian National Open Water Championships in January before she returns to Adelaide, South Australia to compete at the Australian National Age Championships in April.

Cale Ogilvy (14 years) has continued to improve, with massive personal bests of over 10 seconds in some events.

He has qualified for his first NSW Country Championships and will join our team down at Sydney Olympic Park in February.

His commitment is unparalleled, and he is reaping the rewards for his efforts.

Having just turned 10, Harley Teale has competed competitively for the very first time and has performed incredibly, earning his place to compete at three events at the NSW Country Championships and qualification to the State Age Championships.

He now joins the ranks of his exceptional sisters Bella and Layci Teale who both have very full competition cards for the Country and State Championships.

The squad’s coach Sarah-Jane Weir expressed her joy at the recent achievements of her super swimmers.

“Seeing our team come together, led by both Mitchell Hickey and Sylas Phillips, I couldn’t be prouder,” she said.

“Not just of our efforts in the water but the team we are out of it.

“Their support of each other is incredible, and probably the thing I’m most proud of.

“It’s amazing to be back competing again, and the swimmers are just so happy to be back doing what they love; racing.”

Coach Weir outlined to News Of The Area the upcoming busy schedule for her swimmers.

“We’ve got a busy few months ahead preparing for major NSW and National championships that will all hit early next year,” she said.

“They certainly are mixing it with some of the best in the state and are all looking forward to competing at the upcoming championship meets early next year.”



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