Coffs Harbour presents the Taste of Seafood Festival in 2023

Professional Fishers Association CEO Tricia Beatty at the Coffs Harbour Fishermen’s Co-op wharf with Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh.

THE TASTE of Seafood Festival will come to Coffs Harbour Marina in May next year, a major event set to attract locals and tourists alike with a fresh fish market, informative industry displays, cooking demonstrations, competitions and games, live music and delicious fish and seafood aplenty on offer.

Funded by the NSW Government’s ‘Eat More Seafood Grants Program’, it promises to be an entertaining and interesting day for the whole family with plenty of activities for the kids.

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Taste of Seafood Festivals in venues around the State are planned to raise awareness about local professional fishers and provide an opportunity for festival goers to see, feel and taste locally-harvested, wild-caught seafood while interacting with members of the industry.

“We are excited to be using these festivals to showcase our industry and our products,” Tricia Beatty, Professional Fisher’s Association CEO told News Of The Area.

“The day will include cooking and filleting demonstrations, prawn-eating competitions, live bands and so much more being planned,” she said.

“Coffs Harbour Fishermen’s Co-operative will be selling product and cooking fresh local seafood; their fishers are involved throughout the delay in demonstrations and helping out.

“The fishing boats will be on display, and we will have some of the smaller tender boats on trailers for people to look at – unfortunately due to insurance and WH&S we can’t allow people on board the vessels themselves,” she said.

There is an educational element to the festival.

“OceanWatch Australia and the PFA will have stalls demonstrating how we fish and use environmentally-friendly gear such as Bycatch Reduction Devices.

“During the day there will be a talk by Fisheries Researchers and reps from the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation about latest research findings etc.

“We are bridging the gap between our fishers and the community,” said Tricia.

Taste of Seafood Festival is seeking stallholders and sponsors, see: or phone: 02 6652 7374 or email:

Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh said the free events would showcase the State’s seafood industry.

“The seafood industry makes a massive contribution to the NSW economy, but has endured tough times recently with drought, bushfires, the pandemic and floods,” he said.

The Eat More NSW Seafood Program is a partnership between the NSW Government and the NSW Seafood Industry Council to promote the consumption of NSW seafood and help foster greater community awareness and support for the industry.


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