Coffs Harbour Men’s Golf


JULY 1 – 2BBB Stableford, Single in conjunction sponsored by Coffs Harbour Toyota (59 starters).

West: Craig Little (8) and John Tennant (13) 43, Darren Girard (17) and Greg Feltis (10) 42.

Balls to 40c/b.

NTP’s – 22nd: Rex Neill 200cm; 26th (pro-pin): Wayne Cormick 153cm; 3rd (pro-pin): John Weber 191cm; 6th: Alex Geddes 27cm.

July 3 – Single Stableford sponsored by Dodd Civil Consultancy (211 starters).

Lakes: Mark Norberry (15) 42, Adrian Clark (11) 37c/b, Grahame Kell (24) 37c/b.

Balls to 33c/b.

East: David Nicholls (13) 40, Gavin Moor (15) 38c/b, Rikki Goodworth (18) 38. Balls to 34c/b. West: Marcus Grahn (Liverpool – 13) 38c/b, Chris Andrews (20) 38, Peter West (20) 37c/b.

Balls to 33c/b.

Gross: Harry McMillan (+1) 37.

Eagles: Robert Corrigan (4th), Dave Newick (8th).

NTP’s – 3rd (pro-pin): Brock Brindle 91cm; 6th: Justin Holman 120cm; 12th: Alistair Freeman 328cm; 15th (pro-pin): Peter Gawn 210cm; 22nd: Shaun Hagley 198cm; 26th (pro-pin): Wayne McGuire 57cm.

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