Coffs Harbour Golf Club scores$208,000 grant

Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh with Coffs Harbour Golf Club president Mark Dodd.

COFFS Harbour Golf Club is celebrating a funding boost of $208,540 for one of its priority projects, under the NSW Government’s Infrastructure Grants program.

Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh said this significant funding will enable the club to replace its roof and also install new rooftop solar, a project which the club has been planning for some time.

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“This is fantastic news for Coffs Harbour Golf Club – I know their board, management, staff and members are looking forward to their clubhouse being upgraded,” he said.

“The golf club has been an integral part of Coffs Harbour since it was originally opened in 1926.

“It deserves its place at the heart of our community.

“I congratulate all involved on their successful application and look forward to seeing the roof replacement project come to fruition.”

Mr Singh said 48 projects across NSW will share in $6.3 million under the latest round of funding in the NSW Government’s Infrastructure Grants program.

These include projects in the areas of sport and recreation, the arts and culture, disaster readiness and community infrastructure.

Disaster-affected communities that have been impacted by floods or fire have been prioritised in this round of funding.

“The NSW Government’s Infrastructure Grants program funds the construction and upgrade of essential community infrastructure across the state,” he said.  

“This much needed cash injection will help regional groups do what they do best in serving their local communities.

“It is hoped the funding will ignite community spirit and boost participation across the areas of sport and recreation, the arts and cultural activities.”

The NSW Government’s Infrastructure Grants program is made possible by Clubgrants Category 3, a fund which reinvests profits from gaming machines at registered clubs into community projects.

Since 2015, more than 660 community projects have been awarded $98 million under the funding program.   

The objective of the Clubgrants Category 3 Infrastructure Grants program is to fund the costs of construction, alteration, renovation, completion and fit-out of buildings and community infrastructure to deliver outcomes for disadvantaged NSW communities including regional, remote and drought-affected areas, culturally and linguistically diverse, disability and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and disaster-affected communities.


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