Coffs Harbour Golf Club included for first time In Australia’s Top-100 Courses list

Coffs Harbour Golf Club has been named at No.85 on the Golf Australia Magazine’s list of Top-100 Public Access Courses in Australia. Photo: Brendan James.

FOR the first time in the club’s history, Coffs Harbour Golf Club has been included in the highly anticipated annual list of the Golf Australia Magazine Top-100 Public Access Courses in the country.

Coffs Harbour was named at number 85 on the list after knocking on the door of the list for the past few years.

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A member of the judging panel, Robert McLaughlin, wasn’t shy in his praise for the club.

“The relaxed atmosphere at Coffs Harbour adds to the enjoyment of the enticing, tree-lined fairways, which are wide and forgiving – just keep away from the water hazards,” McLaughlin said.

“With the option to play three different courses, it’s no wonder the Festival (of Golf) week is so successful.”

Coffs Harbour Golf Club general manager Paul McAra said the inclusion of Coffs Harbour’s 27-hole layout in the list is the culmination of a lot of hard work at the club.

“This is recognition of all of the hard work that has been put in over the past 10 years,” McAra said.

“The redesign of the 19th hole, the course development and the improved standard of the greens, drainage and the clubhouse have all contributed to this.

“It’s great to be recognised for all of that.”

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